Radionics Healing
Many clients use Radionics as a preventative therapy, and have regular checks on the state of their subtle energy rather like an MOT on the car! One great advantage is that those unable to travel can be treated as readily as those who can.
I am grounded. I am centred and I am strong.
The energy of the earth flows through me.
I am protected and I am safe.
Things to know about Radionics Healing:
Distance healing technique. Distance does not matter.
Uncovers the energetic disturbances in the auric field and physical body.
Treatments can be transmitted not only to humans but also to animals.
Fourth list item. Add your own content here or connect to data from your collection.
Fifth list item. Add your own content here or connect to data from your collection.
Back to basics. Healing. Harmony.
Radionics has never been taken seriously by mainstream science because it defies ‘common sense’, but in recent years physicists have demonstrated the truth of a level of reality outside the space-time ‘stage’ on which our lives are played out. At this level we are all connected with one another instantaneously, because neither time nor distance are real. It may be the reality from which we emerge into the world, and to which we return when our material lives are over – a reality where the pattern of perfect living beings – humans, animals, plants, microbes – is found.
But it means that in Radionics we seem to have a powerful additional strategy for managing illness. Radionic techniques, as a supplement to conventional care, are reported to be helpful in a wide range of physical and emotional problems, and can often help when conventional strategies have little to offer. Many clients use Radionics as a preventative therapy, and have regular checks on the state of their subtle energy rather like an MOT on the car! One great advantage is that those unable to travel can be treated as readily as those who can.
Let it flow. Energy. Balance.
In each of us, all information is present at all times. If we allow it, we can access our lower subconscious. Know exactly when and where we experienced which “imprint” in the energetic field.
However, we have not learned to open ourselves to this knowledge. With the help of systemic constellation work, the invisible is made visible. The unspoken can then finally be heard.
How to get closer to what is real?
There is now ample evidence that we are all linked in someway at a higher level of mind, and it is believed that this is the level engaged during radionic practice. Radionic healing is not so much directed at the physical reality of the body, but rather at the invisible energy matrices which are believed to lie behind it. For the purpose of assessment and treatment, Radionics sees organs, diseases and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors are expressed in numerical values which are known as “rates” and radionic instruments are provided with calibrated dials on which such “rates” are set for analysis and treatment purposes. These figures have a significance more symbolic than mathematical.
Basic to radionic practice is a disciplined dowsing or radiesthetic skill. In trained hands Radionics can be used to help to restore the health of people, animals, plants and the soil wherever in the world that need exists, and with no depletion of material resources.