Healing your Inner Child
The strongest trauma occurs from conception up to the 5th year of life of every person. During this time our basic attitudes are shaped; often just to survive. Here we take over the rules of our parents without checking. It's not until a lot later in life, that we make our own rules. Beliefs and dogmas find fertile ground in these young years of life. From this we develop into the personalities we are today.

"Listen to your body, feel your emotions, and trust your instincts. The three basics to start healing your Inner Child."
Finding a solution - dealing
As an adult you will notice that sometimes you are not comfortable with a certain situation.
This can go back to your childhood. To find reasons why you have a negative feeling about a certain situation - we go back to the beginning. The solution is to become aware, and to heal what has caused you to have an unconscious negative sensation that can cause a lot of stress and influence your life as a big burden.
The body is also physically holding on to these points and the adrenaline stays there frozen up. You resonate with adrenaline during these situations - causing a lot of trouble.
When it starts to reaccure a lot of times, it becomes an even bigger problem, as you may feel that you can't control any of it. The situations can change, but the feeling stays the same, your reaction stays the same. This is a massive pain point. If goes on too far, you can not handle those situations that trigger it any more - until you ask yourself: "What am I going through? How can I find my pain point and heal it?"
In sessions we go back, to the beginning, give it new information, healthy
information, and it will change all the other situations.
This way we give it a new perspective, and forgive in a very deep and profound way. Forgiveness for yourself, and of course others. In the beginning, you need to be a little bit more conscious - and mindfulness - this process mean that we will talk a lot, and you will need time and tranquility to process your healing. Then our training together will become a habit. You will learn how to evaluate a situation quickly, react differently, and gain control completely about your emotional feelings. Then you can handle those trigger situations much easier, and will feel a complete sense of growth and healing.

Your safe place to heal,
is in your heart.
Painting By: Ulrike Von Schrader
In sessions we go back, to the beginning, give it new information, healthy
information, and it will change all the other situations.
This way we give it a new perspective, and forgive in a very deep and profound way. Forgiveness for yourself, and of course others. In the beginning, you need to be a little bit more conscious - and mindfulness - this process mean that we will talk a lot, and you will need time and tranquility to process your healing. Then our training together will become a habit. You will learn how to evaluate a situation quickly, react differently, and gain control completely about your emotional feelings. Then you can handle those trigger situations much easier, and will feel a complete sense of growth and healing.
This program consists of sessions of approximately 1,5 - 2 hours per session, twice per week, for a duration of 3 months, and will be given online by Ulrike von Schrader.
Full Course paid monthly
640 euros1,5-2 hour session
1 hr 30 min
85 euros